Cuyahoga County Seeking Feedback On New Voting Equipment

Cleveland – The Board of Elections is accepting public comments as part of its process of acquiring new voting equipment.  Last week voting equipment suppliers Election Systems and Software (ES&S), Hart InterCivic, and Clear Ballot conducted presentations at the Board of Elections that were video recorded.  Interested parties may visit the Board’s website to observe the vendor presentations and share their comments.

The Board plans to replace hundreds of polling location scanners and several high-speed central scanners that have been in use for over a decade.  The purchase is part of a statewide funding program that has provided over $10 million for Cuyahoga County to upgrade its voting equipment.

“I want to encourage people to watch the videos and to share their thoughts or ask questions,” said Pat McDonald the Director of the Board of Elections.  â€śThis is a very big decision that will impact voters and the Board for many years to come.” 

All of the scanners and tabulation devices that are under consideration will utilize paper ballots so there will be no major changes for voters. People will continue feeding ballots into a scanner that also doubles as a ballot box. “Regardless of which vendor is selected, the machines will provide the same services voters have come to expect when they cast ballots,” said McDonald.

The demonstration videos also feature machines that allow people with disabilities to cast ballots on ADA approved devices.   

People may submit comments:

Additional background information on the voting equipment acquisition project and videos are available here.

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