Discount Drug Mart Donates To Coats For Kids

Cleveland - A special morning at the WTAM 1100 studio as Discount Drug Mart continued it's long standing support of Coats For Kids with a donation on-air.

"How can you not be a part of something so wonderful? We really like to support causes like this that our local to us," says Marketing Specialist Amanda Akin from Discount Drug Mart on Wills and Snyder Thursday morning.

All 74 stores state-wide compete, even employee to employee, to sell "tiny coats", which are dollar donations to Coats for kids.

"It's a competition that's gone on for many years, with cashiers going head to head to sell as many as we can. It's an unbelievable program and it's infectious to our workers," says Discount Drug Mart Vice President Dave Bergman.

The donation, which totaled $66,224, now marks well over $500,000 donated to Coats For Kids from Discount Drug Mart since the store began working with the non-profit 11 years ago.

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