While New Fights Emerge Abroad, The President Restarts An Old One At Home

Listen to Geraldo In Cleveland, Weekdays 9-10am on Newsradio WTAM 1100 and 106.9 FM.

While the days pass since the last time anyone has seen Jamal Kashoggi, more and more questions rise in the disappearance of the Saudi National and Washington Post Columnist. As answers are found, speculation that the Saudi Arabian Government was involved increases. 

But even past the specific questions about the incidents that led up to Kashoggi's disappearance, broader inquiries have been made about into this country's relationship with Saudi Arabia. Oil interests, defence contracts, and the illusion of a progressive regime have blinded us what our "friends" have been doing for generations.

Despite the drama abroad, our own national political process continues to move along. The President appeared at another rally on Wednesday, with a familiar chant emerging from the crowd.

Despite the fact there is unfinished business from the past, is now the time to worry about a formal rival? It has been almost two years since President Trump defeated Hilary Clinton, isn't it time to move on to something else?

Follow Geraldo on Twitter @GeraldoRivera and listen to Geraldo In Cleveland on the iheartradio app or on wtam.com.

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