Reaction to Kavanaugh vote along party lines

Local and state leaders are reacting to Saturday's expected confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court along party lines.

Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan says that the newest Supreme Court justice "lacks the temperament and character to be on the nation's highest court", and the vote "will do lasting damage to the integrity of the Court."

In a statement from the Republican National Committee, spokeswoman Mandi Merritt slammed Ohio's Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown for voting against Kavanaugh, complaining about "the disgraceful way Democrats behaved during the confirmation process."

Republican Senator Rob Portman had this to say about the newest associate justice:

“Brett Kavanaugh has the qualifications and experience necessary to ably serve on the Supreme Court and I was proud to support his nomination. 

 I’ve known him for 18 years as someone who is thoughtful and compassionate, someone who has a big heart and has the humility to listen."

Democratic candidate for Ohio Governor Richard Cordray released a statement Saturday:

“Today’s vote was disheartening for so many of us — women and men alike — who are deeply troubled by the allegations made against Judge Kavanaugh, the partisan rancor we see in Washington, and the direction of the U.S. Supreme Court.

 And it’s appalling to see how survivors of sexual violence have been treated when they have the bravery to step forward and speak out. It’s crucial that we listen to their voices and not dismiss or ignore them."

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