CVSR Looking For Help With Polar Express

PENNINSULA  â€“ The Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad is seeking volunteers for its 2018 season of THE POLAR EXPRESSâ„¢ train ride. 

This popular holiday program will be offered from Saturday, November 10th through Friday, December 21st. Volunteers are needed to serve as Santa, servers, and assistants on board the train, as well as Santa’s helpers at the North Pole. 

All train volunteers are asked to commit to at least four nights on the train; North Pole elves are asked to commit to at least six evenings. 

Training will be provided on October 1st and 2nd at 6 p.m. and on October 14 at 5:30 p.m. 

Interested volunteers may complete the online volunteer application at to receive further information. Visit or call 1-800-468-4070 x 226 for more information about volunteering.

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