Zoo Announces Birth Of Endangered Black Rhino

CLEVELAND - Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is welcoming a second newborn Eastern black rhino calf this year. Mom Inge (pronounced Ing-A), a 25-year-old Eastern black rhino, gave birth to the calf on August 20th. The new calf joins mom Inge, dad Forrest, aunt Kibibbi and 7-month-old calf Lulu.

Both Inge and her calf are doing well and have been under constant watch by the Zoo's animal care team. In order to stimulate the mother-calf bond, Inge and the calf will not be visible to the public for a period of time. This is the fifth calf for Inge, who is also the mother to Kibibbi and the grandmother to Lulu.

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Executive Director Christopher Kuhar, PhD. said “We’re very excited to welcome our second Eastern black rhino calf born here at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo this year. We hope these significant births inspire guests to learn more about this critically endangered species and how they can help protect Eastern black rhinos in the wild.”

Though the new calf and mom will not be in the yard for a few weeks until the calf is strong enough, the zoo is also debuting a new rhino video camera allowing viewers to check-in on the rhino yard at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo 24/7. 

Guests can tune in to the rhino camera at clevelandmetroparks.com/rhino .

They should stay tuned to the Zoo’s social media pages for updates including how they can help name the calf.

This is the seventh eastern black rhino calf born at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and is an important one for the species. Less than 750 Eastern black rhinos remain in the wild due to poaching and habitat loss. 

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo has been committed to wildlife conservation for more than 20 years and has contributed more than $7.5 million to wildlife conservation efforts around the world in partnership with Cleveland Zoological Society.

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(images courtesy of Cleveland Metroparks Zoo)

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