Woman Carjacked In Downtown Parking Garage

CLEVELAND - Cleveland Police say a 25-year-old woman was carjacked by a masked man in a parking garage stairwell.

No arrests have been made in the carjacking that happened around 6:15 Thursday night, at the Hamilton Garage on Hamilton Avenue, near East 12th Street and Lakeside Avenue.

The woman was uninjured and says the man had covered the lower part of his face with a red bandanna, and concealed his hand in a brown paper bag as if he had a gun.

He then ordered her to the ground, taking $200 in cash, her cellphone and the keys to her Subaru from her purse, before ordering her to get up and walk him to her car. She managed to escape while they were getting into the vehicle and found someone to call 911, while he sped off.

Police found the car five hours later in a parking lot on East 33rd Street near Hamilton. Officers had the car towed to be checked for DNA and fingerprints.

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(image courtesy Getty Images)

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