Bay Village Police Blotter: Kids Shooting Fireworks On The RR Tracks

On 06/22/2018, at 0034 hrs, a BVPD officer stopped a vehicle on Wolf Road at Douglas for multiple traffic violations.  After speaking with the 20-year old male driver the officer suspected that he had been drinking.  Field sobriety tests were administered and after failing, the driver was arrested for OVI.  The Rocky River resident will face charges at Rocky River Municipal Court.

On 06/20/2018, at 1920 hrs, a Canterbury homeowner called BVPD to report that a tenant had recently moved out of the house that she owns and rents out.  When the tenant left, he took some of the owner’s personal property with him.  The owner contacted him several times in an attempt to get her property back, but was unsuccessful.  Police are investigating. 

On 06/19/2018, at 2215 hrs, a Millard resident called BVPD to report there were kids on the railroad tracks behind her house setting off fireworks.  The teenagers were located walking down the street with fireworks in their hands.  They admitted they were setting them off.  The fireworks were confiscated, and the youths were strongly advised about trespassing on the railroad tracks and possessing the illegal fireworks.

On 06/18/2018, at 0150 hrs, a BVPD officer stopped a vehicle on Lake Road near Porter Creek for a traffic violation.  After speaking with the 16-year old female driver, the officer suspected there were drugs in the car.  A probable cause search of vehicle was conducted, which resulted in drugs, drug paraphernalia, and alcohol being located.  The Avon Lake resident will face charges at Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court. She was released to a responsible adult at the scene. 

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