Teen escapee still at-large

Cuyahoga County Juvenile Jail (WTAM)

(Highland Hills) - Authorities are still searching for a teenager who escaped from Cuyahoga Hills Juvenile Correction Facility. 

Seventeen year old Nathaniel Jacks is still at large. He's a white male, 6-foot-1, and 165 pounds. He has brown hair and brown eyes. 

Jacks was last seen wearing blue khaki pants and maybe a t-shirt or sweatshirt. Investigators think he might be trying to make his way to Licking County, where's he's from. 

Jacks was being held for failing o complete parole requirements related to vandalism charges. He was actually scheduled to be released next month. 

Jacks escaped on Tuesday with a 16 year inmate, by scaling a barb wire fence with a bed sheet, his friend was quickly captured on Miles Avenue by Cleveland Police. 

Anyone who encounters Nathaniel Jacks is urged to call 9-1-1. 

(Photos by Ken Robinson/WTAM)

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