Changes To Children's Services Following Death of 4 Y.O.

Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish

CLEVELAND - In response to the death of 4-year-old Aniya Day-Garrett back in March, Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish says the county will begin holding a "listening tour", giving citizens a chance to speak directly to DCFS leadership about procedures and policies.

The tour will run throughout late May and June, with the first to be held at 1 p.m. on May 29th at the Friendly Inn on Unwin road in Cleveland.

The county also plans to launch a program where child services complaints can be registered by phone, e-mail or in person, assign a sheriff's deputy to assist child services with investigations and increase the number of licensed social workers within child services.

4-year-old Aniya died on March 11th, with her mother and mother's boyfriend being charged with killing her. 

An investigation revealed warning signs of possible abuse, with both children's services and Aniya's daycare coming under fire for failing to protect her.

(image courtesy Getty Images)

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