Oh Baby! More Little Ones at the Zoo

Baby Rhino Courtesy: Cleveland Zoo

Mom and Baby Rhino Courtesy: Cleveland Metroparks Zoo  

(Cleveland)- After a 15-month pregnancy, Kibibbi, a 14-year-old Eastern black rhino, gave birth to a calf on February 7, 2018.

This is the sixth eastern black rhino calf born at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Cleveland Metroparks Zoo also announced last month that Igne, a 24-year-old Eastern black rhino, is pregnant and due this fall.   

"Kibibbi's pregnancy announcement last year coincided bringing our Future for Wildlife program and conservation work to the forefront," said Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Executive Director Chris Kuhar. "Over the past year, the community has taken action to support conservation efforts that protect the future for wildlife like the critically-endangered Eastern black rhino."

Mom and baby are doing well and have been under constant care by the Zoo's animal care team. In order to stimulate the mother-calf bond, Kibibbi and the calf will not be visible to the public for a period of time. During this time Cleveland Metroparks Zoo looks forward to sharing more about the calf's development and when guests can first see them in the Zoo's African Savannah destination. For behind-the-scenes updates, stay tuned into Cleveland Metroparks Zoo's social media channels.

The animal care team will monitor the health of the rhino and the development of the bond to determine when guests can meet the calf. More details on the calf and how the public can help name the new addition will be released soon.

Listed as critically endangered, less than 750 eastern black rhinos remain in the wild due to poaching and habitat loss. This calf's birth is an important one for the species; of the 48 Eastern black rhinos located in Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) zoos in North America, four were born in 2017 and this is the first of 2018.

 Animals here at the Zoo connect with our guests and represent their wild counterparts - they are ambassadors for their species and for conservation - inspiring guests to join us and work to protect wildlife around the world.

Baby Rhino Calf Courtesy: Cleveland Zoo

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