Local hospital group questions executive order

Team surgeon  working in operating room.

(Cleveland) - President Trump is directing changes to the healthcare system.  In a White House ceremony today, he signed an executive order designed to boost competition and help people get cheaper coverage.  

Mr. Trump insisted that millions of people will start getting relief from Obamacare, which he called a nightmare.  

Among other things, the order allows people to purchase health insurance across state lines.  

The President is limited in what he can do on healthcare without congressional action.

Deanna Moore of the Center for Health Affairs in Cleveland says the executive order only provides rough guidelines when it comes to allowing people to purchase health insurance across state lines. 

If it actually happens, Moore contends the insurance offered may be cheaper, but coverage might not be as good, and it could cause people with pre-existing conditions to pay a lot more.

The Center for Health Affairs represents local Northeast Ohio hospitals. 

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio issued the following statement:

“Instead of employing backdoor tactics meant to undermine important healthcare protections, President Trump should come to the table with members of both parties to pursue meaningful healthcare reform that benefits Ohioans,” said Brown. “We should be taking steps to stabilize insurance markets, extend funding for CHIP, lower the cost of prescription drugs, and combat the addiction epidemic. Instead, President Trump continues to pursue harmful action to destabilize the insurance market and increase costs for Ohio families.”

(Photos by Getty Images) 

(c) 2017 by iHeartMedia, Inc. & the Associated Press

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