MONDAY 10-2-17

1.  50 Dead and counting over 100 injured in Las Vegas Mass Shooting - Shooter Stephen Paddock 64 yrs old is dead and his associate" named as Marilou Danley. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said investigators had found the woman, who he described as Asian, 4 foot 11 inches tall and weighing 111 pounds (50 kg). But in a news conference on Monday morning, he made no comment on whether she was alive or dead. 

2. The war of words between President Trump and San Juan Puerto Rico Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz intensified over the weekend, after the Mayor gave a fiery plea for more assistance on Friday, calling out the federal government’s hurricane response. Saturday, the President tweeted that Democrats told the mayor to be nasty to him, she’s displaying poor leadership and she wants everything to be done for them, rather than help with the cause. The President also tweeted that first responders and other Puerto Rican officials and representatives are doing great work. Were the attacks from the San Juan Mayor politically motivated? How would you rate the response of the Trump administration to the ravaged island?


3. The Cleveland Browns are now (record) after a (score/result) to the Cincinnati Bengals. (Can the Browns turn it into positive momentum OR when will the Browns win their first game?) (Anthem protest; if all players stood, is the NFL trying to save face/fans? If players knelt; will continuing protest hurt the NFL’s bottom line?)


4. The Cleveland Indians have homefield advantage throughout the American League playoffs after a historic regular season and will play the winner of the wildcard game between Minnesota and New York. Do you have a preference for the Indians opponent? How important is homefield in the MLB playoffs?


5. Nevada took a gamble on recreational marijuana, and it’s paying off. Dispensaries sold $27.1 million of pot in Nevada in July alone. That's almost double what both Colorado and Oregon sold in their first months. It's almost seven times what Washington sold. Banking on weed, Nevada made $10.2 million off the fledgling industry during the first month of sales in July, according to the Nevada Department of Taxation. Of that, $6.5 million came from industry fees and $3.68 million came from tax revenue.  Do you think more states will consider legalizing marijuana?


6. Getty will ban Photoshopped pictures that make models look thinner.  The policy update comes on the heels of a new law in France which will force magazine publishers to disclose whether commercial images have been retouched to change a model's body shape. The new laws in France will also require fashion houses to employ runway models sized 34 or higher (dress sizes 4 and 6 in the U.S. and Britain, respectively).  Do you care if someone is made to look thinner or have bigger breasts in a picture?  Should the United States have laws that require publishers to disclose whether photos have been retouched?


7. Twitter announced it would be testing out a plan to double the number of characters you have for your tweets.  The 280-character limit will be tested out in specific markets and the company believes more people will use the platform if they don't have to cram their thoughts into 140 characters.  Is a 140 character limit a good thing or a bad thing?


8.  Oprah Winfrey has a new gig, she’s a special contributor on CBS' 60 Minutes. "She is a remarkable and talented woman with a level of integrity that sets her apart and makes her a perfect fit for '60 Minutes," said the news magazine's executive producer Jeff Fager. Winfrey called 60 Minutes the "bastion of journalistic storytelling."  Do you think she’s a good fit for the show on this, their 50th season?


9. Uber is out in London. The ride-sharing company will not have their license renewed which means 40,000 drivers won’t be able to operate in England. The city listed four main concerns: Uber's reporting of "serious" criminal offenses, its handling of medical certifications, how it obtains driver background checks and its failure to explain the use of "Greyball" -- software that can shield the Uber app from law enforcement and regulatory actions -- in the British capital.  Have you heard of Greyball? How do you feel about Uber getting the boot in London?


10. While out promoting her new book, “What Happened”, Hillary Clinton said the Electoral College needs to be eliminated. Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 3-million votes but she lost the Electoral College to President Donald Trump. Is this just sour grapes from Hillary?  Should we get rid of the Electoral College?

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