Robbed Cleveland Nun Receives Outpouring Of Love

(Photo by Cleveland Police Patrolman's Association)

(CLEVELAND) - "She wants to meet this young man who robbed her," said Cleveland Police Patrolman's Association President Steve Loomis.  "Not to scold him, but to talk with him and convince him that this isn't the way to go.  Now, this is a guy that put a gun in her face," Loomis said.

The 71-year-old art teacher from St. Aloysious School and Church, Sister Mary Jean Raymond, lost everything in her car the day she was robbed in her driveway last week in Collinwood; and almost lost her life.  The young man who robbed her was armed, masked, and showed no remourse when she asked him if she could get the "church stuff" out of her car before he drove away with it.  "I ain't no church" he calously replied.  But since then, Loomis said he has gotten dozens of calls and emails from the people of Cleveland, asking him how they can help.

"It's just... the people in this city are remarkable people.  The vast, vast majority of them," Loomis said.  In that spirit, he decided to take the sister shopping to replace the $300 worth of art supplies that she'd purchased on her own for her class, which were missing from the car when it was recovered.  Loomis says the police union doubled the supplies she'd lost and officers from the fifth district also took up collections for the school.  

"It's a community effort, there's not doubt about it, and that's the narrative that should be out there!  Not the false narrative that very few people want you to believe," Loomis said.

Police are still searching for the young man who robbed Sister Raymond.  They said school uniforms from St. Aloysious are still missing, and they'd like to speak with anyone who suddenly appears wearing a uniform that doesn't go to the school.  There are also several items from the church still missing, which can not be easily replaced.

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