OJ Simpson Parole Hearing Live On WTAM 1100

OJ Simpson mug shot

(Lovelock, Nevada) - His trial for the murder of his ex-wife was called by some "The Trial of the Century," and today, O.J. Simpson will take part in what some are calling "The Parole Hearing of the Century."

The 70-year-old former football star has been serving a 33-year sentence for an an armed robbery involving sports memorabilia.  Today, Simpson asks Nevada parole officials to release him in October.

WTAM 1100 will carry live coverage of the parole hearing at 1 p.m.

Simpson will testify from a state prison in Lovelock, Nevada via closed-circuit video to the state parole board, which meets in Carson City.  Simpson is the only inmate on the parole board's agenda.

Simpson is expected to tell the board what he would do, and where he would go, if he were granted parole after the nine-year minimum for his sentence.

(Photo courtesy Las Vegas Metro Police via Getty Images)

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