CLEVELAND, OH - Cleveland is on pace to have a fourth straight year of 100 plus murders in the City of Cleveland. So far this year, there have already been 19 murders in the city.
"This disease of violence is now being concentrated predominantly, in the African American community on the east side of the city of Cleveland," said Cleveland City Councilman Zack Reed.
Reed wants half a million dollars immediately for the Peacemakers Interrupter Program, members of the community trained to intervene and stop violence.
Reed, who hasn't yet announced if he's running for mayor, has long been asking for a different plan to fight crime including more community based police and more economic opportunities for people living in crime ridden areas.
Reed says the city is starting to look at new crime plans, but during an election year, after three years of a tripe digit murder rate. he calls it:
"Shameful," said Reed. "It's shameful."
(Photo by Ken Robinson/WTAM 1100)
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