Cleveland’s Morning News with Wills And Snyder

Cleveland’s Morning News with Wills And Snyder

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Smaug is this week's Featured Furry Friend from the Cleveland APL!

This week our Featured Furry Friend is an adorable rabbit named Smaug. Smaug is a Holland Lop rabbit and is about 2 years old.Holland Lops are a very popular breed of bunny because they are smaller and have a reputation as sweet and friendly pets, and despite his grumpy looking face Smaug is exactly that! He is a relaxed and friendly guy that likes to be pet and has lived with kids from the ages of 2-12 years old. He even got along with kittens in his previous home!  This well-behaved bunny had free range of his previous home and is litterbox trained! To learn more about Smaug call the APL at 216-771-4616 or log on to Check back next week for another Featured Furry Friend from the Cleveland APL!   

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