For some folks, there’s nothing better than scoring an extra 30 minutes of sleep on a lazy weekend morning, but some would rather score with their partner. Not everyone is a fan of morning sex, and the morning breath alone may be a turn-off, but there are some serious perks to doing it when you first wake up. These are some of the benefits of starting your day with morning sex.
You’re mentally more chilled out- Stress can keep you from enjoying yourself in bed and if you’re run-down after a long day of work, sex can be the last thing on your mind. But in the morning, you and your partner are rested and relaxed, so it could be the perfect time to get it on.
You may have a higher sex drive- Testosterone, aka “the hormone of desire,” is highest in the morning for both men and women, according to Dr. Hilda Hutcherson, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University. That means both of you may be more in the mood earlier in the day.
You’ll prep yourself for a fantastic day- Having sex will give you a boost of dopamine and serotonin, “the happy hormones” that boost mood. Dr. Hutcherson points out that sex decreases stress and can help you start the day calm and in a better mood, thanks to those hormones.
It’s a low-key workout- Sex is exercise, after all. It gets your blood moving, joints lubricated, tones your muscles and may even help with weight loss. According to one study, in young and healthy couples, men burned an average of 4.2-calories per minute and women burned 3.1 calories per minute, which comes out to 101 and 69 calories for a 25-minute session.
It can be very intimate- You can boost that feeling of connection and closeness with some morning lovin’, plus you get the benefits of physical touch first thing. Research shows hugging for 20-secondsreleases oxytocin- known as the cuddle hormone - which is linked to warm, fuzzy feelings and may lower stress and anxiety.
(Photo by Anne-Christine Poujoulat/AFP via Getty Images)
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