A measure under consideration in Washington D.C. is drawing major controversy. It is called the 'breathe Act' and it is supported by Congress members including members of the so-called 'Squad' Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. Some components of the measure include:
*Closing federal prison
*Abolishing Immigrations and Customs Enforcement
*Abolishing the Drug Enforcement Agency
*Offer local agencies a 50 percent match of local savings to those who shut down jails and prisons
*Ban police departments from using surveillance and military grade weapons
*End the use of electronic monitoring for criminals including ankle monitors
*Eliminate life sentences for criminals
*Eliminate mandatory, minimum sentences for criminals
*Dramatically cut the budget for the Department of the Defense
*Give voting rights and lifetime education for all illegal immigrants
*Abolish gang databases as well as armed police officers and metal detectors in schools
*Tie state grants to intervention programs that involve specialists, other than police officers, responding to certain 911 calls
*Decriminalize and retroactively expunge both state and federal drug offenses
(Photo by Scott Heins/Getty Images)
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