As 2020 has been the year of the lockdown, people cooped-up at home have found themselves with time to do odd things they’d never do in their normal existence. That’s where this tale from Reddit comes from. It seems that redditor TeeBeeEightSix was asked by a friend who his favorite porn star was. He took the query to heart, and set up an Excel spread sheet to list all “possible contenders” because choosing one was too taxing.
At first, he came up with 25 names based on what he’d viewed recently. Then, he though a tournament bracket-style might be a better way to go…so he boosted the number to 32, and then 64, as he dove deeper into the classic names. Since free time leads to the devil’s work, six weeks later, he found himself with a list of over 250 porn babes, complete with ten pictures of each of them in various poses, outfits, positions, and stains.
Then, a new job came along to fill his time more productively while he continued to work from home. His boss reached out to him with a request for a new spreadsheet, which he worked on for a few hours. Exhausted from the number crunching, the guy eventually sent it off with a note that read, “Here you go – hoping you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed preparing it!”
After an hour, he’d received no reply, so he look at his “sent” box to double-check his work, only to find he’s sent his boss the porn star spreadsheet…instead of the work requested. After a mild freak-out, he fired off the correct sheet along with a profuse apology and request to “disregard” the previous email. The boss simply replied, “Thanks for that. No need to discuss the previous document”…and no responses since on the matter.
(Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
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