With lots of folks working from home these days, many are now realizing there are a lot of positives to working remotely, and it, as well as the coronavirus itself, may be affecting how they feel about one day returning to the office.
A new Robert Half survey finds:
77% of employees are currently working from home.
Many have positive things to say about the experience, including:
I realize my job is doable from home (63%)
My work-life balance has improved due to lack of a commute. (60%)
I'm more comfortable using technology. (43%)
I've grown closer to colleagues. (20%)
I've grown closer to my boss. (19%)
Now there will come a day, hopefully soon, when folks begin returning to the office, and many are a bit hesitant at the thought, with 56% of employees worrying about being in close proximity to colleagues.
And when they do return to the office, many foresee some major changes in how things are done in the office.
72% will rethink shaking hands with business contacts.
72% plan to schedule fewer in-person meetings.
61% anticipate spending less time in common areas in the office.
59% plan to reconsider attending in-person business events and traveling for business.
73% think there will be fewer in-person social and team-building activities with colleagues.
As for what they expect from their companies when they do return…
79% expect them to allow employees to work from home more frequently.
79% expect better cleaning procedures to be put in place.
70% expect companies to hold fewer meetings and in-person trainings.
55% want to see staggered work schedules.
52% feel employees should be required to wear masks.
46% want offices to change their layout.
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