A Divided Country Braces For The Impact of Impeachment

Listen to Geraldo In Cleveland, Weekdays 9-10 am on Newsradio WTAM 1100, also available on 106.9 FM and the Free iheartradio app.

The House has passed a resolution okaying ground rules for the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, and Americans who don't have a Constitutional Law Degree are wondering what happens now.

Under the resolution, the House Intelligence committee, chaired by Adam Schiff, is tasked with convening public hearings. Those hearings, which are expected to happen as early as mid November, will be nationally televised, will give Americans the opportunity to finally hear directly from the witnesses. Republicans can call their own witnesses with the Democratic majority's approval and President Trump can send his attorneys, or even be there himself if he chooses

Listen to Geraldo’s “Roadkill” Podcast on wtam.com and the iheartradio app.

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