Trump To Officially Kick Off Reelection Campaign Tonight

Listen To Geraldo In Cleveland, weekdays 9-10 am on Newsradio WTAM 1100, now available on 106.9 FM and the free iheartradio app.

President Donald Trump kicks off his 2020 reelection bid in Orlando, Florida, on Tuesday, launching a campaign that's never really ended. Starting Friday, the Trump campaign and allies have been hosting a "National Week of Training" across the country for 16,325 attendees at more than 970 events, including, "Trump Victory Leadership Initiative" training sessions and "MAGA Meet-Ups," according to numbers provided to ABC News by the campaign. In a call with reporters on Monday, Democratic National Committee officials said the party already has 90 field organizers on the ground and has spent millions to register 200,000 voters ahead of 2020. The party is also centering its message against Trump on health care, including the administration's decision not to defend the Affordable Care Act in court, a winning issue for the party in 2018 and one that wasn't on the table in 2016.

The first Democratic debates will take place over two nights - on Wednesday, June 26th and Thursday, June 27th from 9pm-11pm ET in Miami.

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