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Forty-nine souls were lost, and another twenty were wounded in a hate-fueled shooting spree in Christchurch, New Zealand. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern called it "one of the darkest days in the history of New Zealand." Fallout from this terrorist attack is being felt across the globe, with many leaders in Ohio and the rest of the United States reacting to the news when it broke Thursday evening.
Even President Trump took to Twitter to share his condolences.
However, not all of the comments were reserved for well wishes and support. Some Congressional Democrats, including Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal, were blaming The President's rhetoric for inspiring the shooter.
While President Trump oratory has been more combative than his predecessors, sadly mass shootings have been a part of life in this country and around the world for over two decades. Blaming the President, who has been in office for less than two and a half years, for a problem that has existed for the entire 21st century isn't fair to the victims and to President Trump.
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