When you meet a new person, you never know what you’re going to get. Sometimes they exceed all expectations. Other times, it takes a while, but you eventually see their true colors and need to make a decision about how much room you give them in your life. Then, there are the times they do that one thing that shows you that they’re a genuinely bad person, and it’s time to cut ties. Here are some examples of things people did that let others know how truly rotten they are.
“Any abuse of any animal”
“Regularly disrespecting servers, Uber/Lyft drivers, store employees, etc.”
“Making your children upset in order to record it and post it for internet points”
“Being a habitual litterer”
“Not having empathy, common courtesy, or respect, like treating homeless people like they’re ‘lesser’ than you”
“Minimizing other people’s experiences or pain because it doesn’t match with your experiences”
“Refusing to wear headphones” as if everyone else needs to enjoy the same music, show, or conversation you’re experiencing
“Not cleaning up your dog’s crap from the street”
“Parking in the handicapped spot when you’re not disabled”
“Stealing money out of a charity or tip jar”
“When you’re a boss, and you know the business is going under, but you don’t tell workers so they have a head start on finding a new job”
“When someone goes out of their way to tell you what a good person or how honest they are”
“People who bask in the pain of others as if it’s entertainment”
“Someone who spent literally thousands on tattoos, but their kids are dressed in torn-up rags and look hungry”
“People who care about being right more than anything else”
“Bullying in any form”
“Taking advantage of others just because they can get away with it”