On DE Myles Garrett being OK after being in a one-car accident on Monday:
“Just happy that he is OK.”
On when he heard about Garrett’s accident:
“I was at home.”
On playing his first NFL game in Georgia, his home state:
“It will be great. I get a chance to go home and see a lot of familiar faces. I played in that stadium before so I am excited about going back and playing at home.”
On if he will have a lot of people at Sunday’s game:
“I will have some people there.”
On how far his hometown of Cedartown is from Atlanta:
“About an hour northwest of Atlanta.”
On if his high school team is coming to Sunday’s game:
“I believe they are.”
On playing in Mercedes-Benz Stadium:
“It is great. It is a very nice stadium. I had a lot of wins and losses in there. It is going to be great to be back.”
Hear "Countdown to Kickoff brought to you by QC Kinetix" before Sunday games at 9:00 AM on WTAM: HERE.