Polygamy Is Outlawed On This Date In 1882

Today in 1872, Illinois became the first state to require gender equality in employment.

Today in 1882, Congress outlawed polygamy.

Today in 1972, Congress approved the Equal Rights Amendment…though it was never ratified.

Today in 1995, convicted “Long Island Railroad Gunman” was sentenced to 315 years and eight months to life in prison (meaning his current earliest possible parole date is August 2309) for killing six people and injuring 19 more.

Today in 1999, acting as his own lawyer, Dr. Jack Kevorkian went on trial on murder charges for the first time in Pontiac, Michigan. Through the course of the trial, Kevorkian maintained that he was merely carrying out his professional duty in the videotaped assisted death shown on "60 Minutes." Kevorkian was convicted of second-degree murder and served nine-years of a 25-year sentence. He died in 2011 at the age of 83.

Today in 2000, some 1,100 women won $508- million dollars from the government in the largest-ever settlement of a federal sex discrimination case. The group charged that they had been denied jobs with the now-defunct U.S. Information Agency and its broadcast branch, the Voice of America.

Today in 2000,a divided Supreme Court ruled the government lacked authority to regulate tobacco as an addictive drug, throwing out the Clinton administration's main anti-smoking initiative.

Today in 2011, Lawrence Taylor pleads guilty for misdemeanors of sexual misconduct and is sentenced to six years probation.

Today in 2017, Tomb of Jesus reopened after $3-million restoration in Jerusalem.

Today in 2017, there was a terrorist attack by car on London's Westminster Bridge and Houses of Parliament that killed four, including a police officer, and injured 50. The attacker later died.

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