Sliced Bread Hits The Shelves For First Time On This Date In 1928

Today in 1928, sliced bread was sold for the first time by the Chillicothe Baking Company, Missouri, using a machine invented by Otto Frederick Rohwedder. It was described as the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped. So yes, you’ve heard that beloved actress Betty White is older than sliced bread? Yup – she was born in 1922.

Today in 1946, Sister Francis Xavier Cabrini was canonized, becoming the first American saint. Mother Cabrini is also informally recognized as an effective intercessor for finding a parking space. (As one priest explained: "She lived in New York City. She understands traffic.")

Today in 1947, the alleged and disputed Roswell UFO incident occurred.

Today in 1966, the obscenity ban for "Naked Lunch" by William S. Burroughs was overturned by the Massachusetts Supreme Court after testimony by Allen Ginsberg and Norman Mailer

Today in 1981, President Reagan announced he was nominating Arizona Judge Sandra Day O'Connor to become the first female justice on the U-S Supreme Court.

Today in 1986, American athlete Jackie Joyner-Kersee sets world heptathlon record of 7,148 points in the inaugural Goodwill Games at Moscow.

Today in 1987, Col. Oliver North and Rear Admiral John Poindexter began testifying to Congress at the Iran-Contra hearings on Capitol Hill, telling House members that he "never carried out a single act, not one," without authorization.

Today in 1999, President Clinton became the first President since Franklin D. Roosevelt to visit an Indian reservation as he toured the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota on his so-called “Poverty Tour.”

Today in 2008, some 20,000 people gathered inside Staples Center in Los Angeles for a memorial service honoring the late Michael Jackson, who was tearfully described by his 11-year-old daughter, Paris-Michael, as “the best father you could ever imagine.”

Today in 2014, Washington state issued its first retail marijuana licenses.

Today in 2018, after two days of talks in North Korea’s capital, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he had commitments for new discussions on denuclearization, but North Korea said Pompeo’s visit had been “regrettable” and that the United States was making “gangster-like” demands.

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