Pet Monkey Shot And Killed After it Almost Rips Oklahoma Woman’s Ear Off

A monkey that escaped from its owner’s house in Oklahoma was shot and killed by police after it jumped on a neighbor. Brittany Parker said she looked out and saw a monkey sitting on her porch trying to break into the house.

She called the police, and when she went out to talk with officers she says the monkey “jumped up on my back and landed on my head,” ripping out some of her hair and tearing one of her ears “almost completely off of my head.”

The monkey ran off, and police heard gunshots while looking for it; one of Parker’s family members had shot the monkey behind the house. Parker says she’ll need plastic surgery on her ear. The state considers monkeys domesticated animals, and has no regulations preventing anyone from owning one as a pet.

(Photo by Jean-Francois Monier/AFP via Getty Images)

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