FBI's Top Ten Most Wanted Starts On This Date In 1950

Today in 1794, Eli Whitney patented his cotton gin, which increased the daily production of cotton products by almost 5000%.

Today in 1812, Congress authorized war bonds to finance the War of 1812.

Today in 1923, President Harding became the first president to file income taxes. He paid $17-thousand on his presidential salary of $75-thousand.

Today in 1950, the FBI's "10 Most Wanted Fugitives" program began. The first person on the list? Thomas James Holden, who had escaped from police after shooting his wife and her two brothers to death in 1949. He was apprehended in June 1951.

Today in 1964, a Dallas jury convicted Jack Ruby of murder in the shooting of President Kennedy's accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.

Today in 1967, President Kennedy's body was moved from a temporary grave to his permanent memorial at Arlington National Cemetery.

Today in 1989, the import of assault weapons into the U.S. was banned by President George H.W. Bush. The ban became permanent the following July.

Today in 1994, the U.S. President Clinton extended the moratorium on nuclear testing until September of 1995.

Today in 2000, Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore clinched their presidential nominations in a sweep of Southern primaries.

Today in 2018, the results of NASA’s Twins Study revealed that 7% of astronaut Scott Kelly's genetic expression – how his genes function within cells – did not return to baseline after his return to Earth two years before. His brother, of course, is astronaut Mark Kelly.

Today in 2018, students across America commemorated Florida high school shooting with mass walkouts across the country.

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