Signs People Might Not Be All That Bright

At what point do you find it valid to call out someone’s intellect? A recent social media thread gave people the opportunity to vent about those things about others they found to be not-so-bright. 

“Having even a cursory interest in anything the Kardashians are doing.”

“Talking seriously about horoscopes.”

“Subscribing to a political party like it’s a religion.”

“Everything is black or white, and there’s no middle ground.”

“Being rude to waitstaff or retail workers.”

“When they insist that feelings and beliefs are on equal footing as facts.”

“Any interest in a pyramid scheme.”

“Every mistake in their life is someone else’s fault.”

“They aren’t open to changing their opinions after being given new information.”

“When they try to tell me their IQ.”

“If they believe that television magicians, ghost hunting shows, and reality shows aren’t scripted.”

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