Man Started Dating A Sex Doll After His Fiancée Left

An Australian carpenter went shopping after a breakup with his fiancée left him lonely. That’s not an unusual thing to do in that situation, but in the case of “Rod” what he went shopping for was a sex doll. He then took it a step further and decided to introduce his new $3,000 companion to his 85-year-old mother during Christmas.

As you can imagine, his mom wasn’t on-board with the idea…at first. According to “Rod,” his mom started treating “Karina” like a “long lost daughter” and shopping for her. “Rod” bought another doll named “Lauren,” who he says is a “daydreamer” and Karina’s sister, and now has a long-distance relationship with a woman named Jenny in Vietnam.

He says he uses his spare time to bathe, dress, and pamper his dolls…and take pics of them. He’s started an Instagram account to show off Karina’s modeling shots.

 (Photo courtesy of Joel Saget/AFP via Getty Images)

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