Tight Ends Coach Drew Petzing Spoke to the Media 10-15-21

On TE David Njoku’s strong performance and if the team expected that to be an opportunity against the Chargers defense:

“It is so hard with the type of players we have every week that you never know who is going to have a big game. I think that is the nice part about the way the offense is built and kind of way that we operate makes it hard to defend. I would not say there was anything specific where we said, ‘Hey, we are really going to try and emphasize this or really get him the ball.’ It is just kind of the way the game came up and the looks that he got, and he made the plays when his name was called so that was really good to see.”

On the number of times the Browns used 13 personnel early in the game last week:

“Obviously, you talk about what you like and where you are going to go early in the game. We kind of got rolling. Once you get rolling, you kind of have the ability to stay in something. That is the nice part about having a lot of different options. If we struggle early, we can get a different personnel group. If we get rolling, which we did and which was great, stay in it and keep going until they seem to have an answer to stop it and then go in a different direction. We just kind of had a lot of success with it early, and I think that kind of just kept us in it.”

On why the Browns use of 13 personnel was so successful last week:

“Selfishly, obviously because of the coaching of the tight ends (laughter). Those three guys are really talented players, and it is a good offense and allows us to be very multiple. I think you saw early in the game we spread them out with that grouping and we packed them in. We ran the ball, and we threw the ball. I think it goes back to our philosophy as an offense is just trying to be so multiple that a defense does not even know where to start or what to attack. That really allowed us to have that success early in the game.”

On how Njoku’s strong performance against the Chargers could help with confidence:

“I am sure it was huge for him. As you said, he is out here every day working his tail off, and it shows up on the field a lot Monday through Saturday. Any time a guy gets to go out and show that to the world, I think it certainly builds his confidence and tells him he is doing the right things and working towards the right things. It was really good to see.”

On if he expected Njoku could outrun all of the Chargers defenders on the 71-yard TD reception last week:

“Oh yeah, there was no doubt about that. That was not the issue. When I saw the green grass in front of him, I was just hoping he did not get tired or pull up and he did not, which was awesome. I was really excited to see him get all the way into the end zone.”

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