Browns CB Greedy Williams Speaks to the Media

(Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images)

On being back on the field after his season-ending injury in 2020:

“It is a great feeling. Just being reunited with the team, going through the drills with them and things like that, it gives you the happiest moments.”

On if the next hurdle in his recovery process is easing back into contact:

“Yeah, kind of sort of. Just trusting the shoulder again in hitting and things like that. Basically, just working around the contact and getting used to it again.”

On the process of being able to trust his shoulder in contact again after the long recovery:

“It is a process. Go out to rehab, trusting my people and trusting the guys here just to keep rehabbing and working up to the part where I trust it again. Just having a strong team behind me, and we are pushing it every day to get better and get back out there.”

On if he feels like he is back to himself on the field now:

“Yeah, for sure. I would not even be out there if I did not feel like myself. I definitely feel like myself. When I am out on the field, I do not really think about my injury. I am just ready to compete.”

On if there was ever a time he became discouraged during the rehab process:

“The rehab process, it is a fight. Dealing with a nerve injury, you fatigue kind of fast with a shoulder injury. I keep fighting through it and just keep trusting, like I said, myself. I am just pushing it to the limit of being able to get back out there.”

On his mindset when dealing with the injury last year and his mindset now:

“My mindset is just to come back and work harder. The way I prepared last year to play the season, I am preparing 10 times better because I sat back a year and had a lot of time to just learn the game and do things I was not able to do during the season. I think I am fully prepared and just ready to get going.”

On how he views his competition with CB Greg Newsome II:

“We are just going to do what we do. Greg is a great kid, nice footwork and smart. I am happy for him. First round, came here and came to an up-and-coming franchise. I am happy for him. I am happy for this team and happy for the organization. I am just ready to get to work with my brothers and put the work in.”

On if he feels it is important that Newsome knows he embraces him as his new teammate:

“Yeah, why would I not? That is my teammate. That is the guy I am going to go to war with each and every Sunday and really every day once we start camp. Like I said, you have to embrace these guys. You have to make everyone feel like family when they are new coming in. That is kind of my role to do that, welcome him in and let him know we are going to get to work.”

On if was surprised that the team took Newsome early in the draft or if he knew the team might take a CB in the early rounds:

“I feel like the team made a great decision on what they need. Last year, we were lacking at depth in cornerback. Just trusting (Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager Andrew) Berry and the coaching staff and the organization to build a great team that will give us a chance to compete for that trophy.”

On if he expects to be fully healthy by training camp:

“That is what we are working towards. That is the goal. Working towards getting back out there, being 100 percent and being myself again.”

On if he feels like he has to prove himself all over again after missing last season:

“Do I have to prove myself? I think the coaches know what I bring to the table, but every day I am trying to prove myself to myself. I am just competing with myself every day I go out there to be better than I was yesterday.”

On the Browns having several new players in the secondary:

“It is amazing. We have guys who come in, play a great role and help the team. Like I said, last year, we suffered with a lack of depth in the secondary so they did a great job of getting guys in and ready to play.”

On being on the field with S John Johnson III and LB Anthony Walker, who are both vocal players:

“A-Walk, he is one of those guys that is going to talk through the whole play. Just playing with him, a guy who is talking, that just builds confidence to the defense. We need that just to have that one leader on the field just to bring that confidence to the defense. John, he is kind of funny, but when we are on the field, it is all serious and business. Definitely, those two guys are great leaders for this team.”

On what benchmark has to be cleared in order for him to have contact in practice:

“Right now, I am just going through the strengthening phase, getting the strength back into the shoulder. Whatever they have for me next, that is a question for the medical guys.”

On how motivated S Grant Delpit is after returning from injury and missing his rookie season:

“You just said it, he did not play as a rookie so coming in, you just want to prove yourself off the bat. He kind of had a setback, but with me and him rehabbing together, we kept each other in high spirits. I was always saying we are going to be back next year.”

On how Delpit looked at practice today:

“He looked good. He looks like he is ready to go. He has gotten bigger, faster. I ask him every day how his leg is feeling. How is the injury feeling? He is giving me positive feedback, which I want to hear.”

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