57 Years Later, Thousands Gather To March On Washington... Again.

Listen to Geraldo In Cleveland, Weekdays 9-10 am on Newsradio WTAM 1100, also available on 106.9 FM and the Free iheartradio app.

Thousands of demonstrators descend on the nation's capital on Friday to demand an overhaul to the nation's criminal justice system and push for racial equality at the same site Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. called for those same reforms decades ago in his iconic "I Have A Dream Speech."

Like the 1963 March on Washington, organizers opened with a series of speeches before attendees plan to march through the streets of the city, this time ending at the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial.

This march – dubbed "Get Your Knee Off Our Necks" — comes at a particularly tense time as frustration over police brutality and use of force have sparked national outrage following the Memorial Day killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis.

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