This Day In History- The Electric Chair Was First Used

August 6th

Today in 1787,the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia began debating the first draft of the Constitution.

Today in 1861,the US Congress passed the first Confiscation Act.These acts authorized Union seizure of rebel property, and it stated that all slaves who fought with or worked for the Confederate military services were freed of further obligations to their masters.

Today in 1890,Denton 'Cy' Young pitched his first major-league baseball game. He led the Cleveland Spiders past the Chicago White Sox. Young went on to enjoy a great baseball career, winning a total of 511 games, averaging more than 23 victories over 22 seasons, playing for Cleveland, St. Louis, and Boston (where he played in the first World Series, and won). The Cy Young Award was established in 1956, when the Baseball Writer's Association of America bestowed the honor on the best pitcher in major-league baseball for that year. The award has been presented every year since. In fact, since 1967, two Cy Young awards have been presented annually to the best pitcher in each major league.

Today in 1890,the electric chair was first used in a prison in Auburn, New York to execute convicted ax murderer William Kemmeler.

Today in 1945,at 8:15a ET, the United States B-29 "Enola Gay"dropped a ten-foot long atomic bomb code dubbed "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, Japan. It was the first use of a nuclear weapon in warfare, and it wiped out four-square-mile. An estimated 140-thousand people were killed and another 100,000 later died as a result of radiation poisoning.

Today in 1952,at age 46, Satchel Paige became the oldest pitcher to complete a major-league baseball game. Paige shut out the Detroit Tigers 1-0 in a 12-inning game.

Today in 1965,President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act prohibiting voting discrimination against minorities.

Today in 1986,William J. Schroeder died after living 620 days with the "Jarvik Seven" artificial heart.

Today in 1997,ending years of rivalry, Apple Computer and Microsoft agreed to share technology in a dealgiving Microsoft a stake in Apple's survival.

Today in 1998,former White House intern Monica Lewinsky spent almost nine hours testifying before a grand jury about her relationship with President Clinton.

Today in 1998,the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee voted to cite Attorney General Janet Reno for contempt of Congress for her refusal to turn over reports recommending that she seek an independent counsel to investigate campaign fund-raising.

Today in 2001,two-time champion Marion Jones was disqualified and had her string of 42 consecutive 100m final victories snapped by Zhanna Pintusevich-Block of Ukraine at the World Athletics Championships in Edmonton, Canada

Today in 2011, a helicopter containing members of Navy SEAL 6 was shot down in Afghanistan killing 38.

Today in 2012,Mount Tongariro in New Zealand erupted for the first time in a century.

Today in 2018,Chicago police appeal for more help after 66 people were shot - 12 of those killed - in the city in one weekend.

Today in 2018,Facebook, Apple, YouTube and Spotify removed Infowars’ conspiracy theorist Alex Jones from their platforms.

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