Baby Born At Cleveland Clinic To Mom With Transplanted Uterus

(Cleveland) - For the second time, Cleveland Clinic has delivered a baby from a uterus that was transplanted from a deceased donor.

The transplant and birth are part of an on-going clinical trial offering hope to women worldwide who are unable to have a baby due to uterine factor infertility.

In March, the research team welcomed a boy via cesarean section. The uterus, from a deceased donor, was transplanted in early 2019. In late 2019, Michelle, the mother, who is 31, became pregnant through in vitro fertilization.

Cleveland Clinic’s uterus transplantation was the first in the United States and one of the first in the world.

Since Cleveland Clinic began the clinical trial, the team has completed eight uterus transplants; six transplants were successful and two resulted in hysterectomies soon after transplantation.

(Photo courtesy Cleveland Clinic)

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