NOAA Is Out With This Year's Lake Erie Algae Predictions

(Cleveland) - There is good news, and bad news, when it comes to predictions of this year's algae bloom on Lake Erie.

The good news is, the bloom should not be as bad as in 2019. The bad news is, it will be worse than in 2018.

The annual prediction is issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The amount of algae in the lake depends on the amount of phosphorus running into the lake from the Maumee River, which has its mouth in Toledo. The amount in the Maumee depends on the amount of fertilizer and manure runoff from farms in western Ohio. That then depends on rainfall in the spring, which NOAA says is, so far, lower than last year.

NOAA points out that its predictions change over time, based on amount of rainfall, and direction and speed of winds.

(Graphic courtesy NOAA)

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