Here's What Reopens Tuesday, May 26 In Ohio

(Cleveland) - Tuesday, May 26, is a big day for a lot of businesses in Ohio, as it's the first time they can open for business after the pandemic.

Public and Club pools are allowed to reopen. Gyms and fitness centers are allowed to reopen. Also able to reopen are miniature golf courses, batting cages, and bowling alleys.

Non-contact and low-contact sports can resume. They have to follow rules such as no touching, and social distancing guidelines.

A major point for all the above, is that they can open, but not all will. It all depends on how ready they are to reopen.

All Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles offices are opening. Lines may be long, because a number of Ohioans couldn't renew drivers licenses the last two months. The BMV has set up a system that allows you to "Get In Line Online." There's also no hurry to get to the BMV right away, as if your license or ID card expired after March 9, the expiration has been automatically extended 90 days due to an act of the legislature.

(Copyright 2020, iHeartMedia)

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