Illness That Hits Children, Related To COVID-19, Confirmed In Cleveland

(Cleveland) - There's a confirmed case in Cleveland of a mystery illness that affects children, and is tied to COVID-19

It's called Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome. University Hospitals says the confirmed case is a child at Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital.

Symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, pink eye, and a rash. It's similar to a disease called Kawasaki Syndrome, and also to Toxic Shock Syndrome.

This is the same illness that has taken the lives of three children in New York State. It occurs in children from days to weeks after they have had COVID-19. The exact link between the two has not been determined.

UH is waiting to get the tests back on several other possible cases of PMIS. They say the children tested negative for coronavirus, but an antibody blood test showed many of the children did have COVID-19.

(Copyright 2020, iHeartMedia)

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