A Hurricane Is Coming, Lets Attack The President

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While Hurricane Dorian lurches up the eastern coast, most of the press coverage has been focused on the damage the storm has inflicted on the Bahamas and the potential damage that Georgia and the Carolina may be facing. However, a growing amount of reporters have zeroed in on another storm related story, which started with a tweet from President Trump.

At the time of the tweet, there was no storm model that had Dorian passing though Alabama, and there has been no storm threat to any of the gulf coast states while the storm makes its way up the southern Atlantic coast. While the President misspeaking on twitter is nothing new, and normally doesn't stick around in the news cycle all that long, President Trump threw fuel on the fire after he doubled down on the tweet at a press conference Wednesday.

While talking about the storm at a Oval Office press event, President Trump appear to use an outdated map that was altered with a marker to show the storm path venturing over Alabama. While no one can confirm if the map was real or a fake, it was more than enough for the press to take the story and run with it. Surprising no one, The Washington Post has grabbed the mantel and has even accused The President of breaking the law.

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