Support Trump By Stopping "Send Her Back" Chants

President Trump has shown no signs of slowing down his attack on four Democrats known as "The Squad." Over the weekend, The President took to twitter to share latest his latest thoughts about the freshman Congresswomen.

This is a continuation of a conversation The President started last weekend, saying the Progressive Congresswomen should "go back" to where they are from and fix the problems closer to home first. Since then, the chant "Send Her Back" has been making it's way into President Trump's campaign rallies, something The President has yet to strongly condemn.

This language and behavior could lead this country down a very dangerous path. Though Donald Trump isn't a racist, some people have been using his rhetoric to support White Nationalism. As long as the President is stays silent when his supporters step out of line, there will be many people who will interpret that silence as support.

Telling someone to go back to where they came from because of partisan differences is as un-American as the Metric System. They very notion implies that people with differing opinions are somehow less American. That idea is as toxic as it is dangerous.

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