State lawmakers to vote Wednesday on two year budget

OHIO - State lawmakers Tuesday struck a compromise deal that breaks a weeks long stand-off over the state budget. The terms of the deal largely preserve Ohio's tax deduction for business income, eliminate taxes for people in Ohio's lowest two tax brackets and cut other tax rates by 4%.

The deal also preserves a motion picture tax credit that is largely attributed for the state's flourishing film industry. Proponents say without it, filmmakers like Cleveland's Russo brothers -- who did "Avengers End Game" -- could not bring film production to Ohio. The House had voted to eliminate the tax credit, but a reconciliation bill with the Senate kept the credit in.

The reconciliation bill also finalizes March 17, 2020 as the date of the 2020 primary election. That sets up a conflict with St. Patrick’s Day and Cleveland’s massive parade that day. Opponents argued that could affect voter turnout and create logistical issues.

The deal also compromises between the House and Senate plans on school funding. It keeps a $38.5 million increase the Senate wanted for high-growth schools, as well as the $625 million over two years in “wraparound” support services for rural schools backed by the House.

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