Fake Abductee Teen Really Medina Career Criminal

(Cleveland) - He couldn't pass for 14. They did the DNA test anyway, just to be certain.

The 'teen' claiming to be Timmothy Pitzen, who was abducted from Ilinois back in 2011, is actually a 23-year-old career criminal from Medina, Ohio.

Police have identified that imposter as Brian Michael Rini.

Rini was found by police in Newport, Kentucky, near Cincinnati, Wednesday. He claimed to have been the missing child, grown into a suspiciously mature looking 14 year-old teenager, having recently escaped his abductors.

In actuality, Rini has a lengthy criminal jacket, having most recently served time for vandalism and robbery.

Pitzen disappeared back in 2011 at the age of six. A note found around the time of his mother's suicide claimed that the child was in a safe place. There have no confirmed sightings of him since.

Criminal charges in Newport, Kentucky are likely forthcoming for Rini.

Photos: WKYC, Getty Images

Copyright: IHeartMedia, 2019

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