As The Border Crisis Worsens, The President Must Call For A Migrant Summit

Listen to Geraldo In Cleveland, weekdays 9-10am on Newsradio WTAM 1100, now available on 106.9 FM and on the iheartradio app.

President Trump has a very difficult decision to make. The crisis at his country's southern border is worsening. A record number of migrants are gathering at border checkpoints and are being crammed into makeshift camps that are handling the unplanned overflow. To combat this impending catrosophy, The President has reverted to his previous threat to shut America's border with Mexico.

Most people agree that such an extreme move would create as many (if not more) problems that it would solve. Thousands of people cross the border legally as a part of their daily lives, and many goods are imported to the United States from it's neighbor to the south. While most Americans understand there is a crisis happening all along their southern border, the problem is not bad enough to burn the village in order to save it.

Laws need to be tightened. Policies need to be enforced. Work definitely needs to be done. However, we cannot forget our compassion and humanity. We also cannot forget that migrants and refugees are an important part of any country's population.

Something must be done. But, this is not a purely American problem. While the United States is dealing with the problems of how to process, house, and feed such a huge mass of humanity, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras have to look to fix the problems it's citizens are running away from. Mexico has to be cognisant of the huge problem that the United States is dealing with, and their complicancy in it.

Brining all of the leaders of these countries for a migrant summit seems to be the best way to address this international issue.

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