Cleveland Priest Robber, Would-Be Shooter, Sentenced

(Cleveland) - The admitted robber and would-be shooter of a Catholic priest was sentenced Thursday to nine years in prison, as the result of a guilty plea deal with the Cuyahoga County prosecutor's office.

Jaylen Miller is 17-years-old. In December, 2017, Jaylen Miller and three companions stole a van from a group home and then held up Father John Kumse at gunpoint, behind St. Mary's Church, in the city's Collinwood neighborhood. Father Kumse tried to run away after the robbery, but was shot at twice by Miller, falling to the ground and injuring himself. Kumse had been trying to gather eggs from hens that were kept on the church property when he was robbed.

A second man, Terrance Kimbrough, shot and missed the priest a third time that night. Kimbrough has since been sentenced to seven years in jail. The two other teenagers were brought up on lesser charges.

During his sentencing Thursday, Miller apologized to Kumse, asking the priest to 'think of him' while he is serving his sentence. Kumse has been a fixture in that troubled east side Cleveland neighborhood for a number of years.

Photo: Courtesy of IHeartMedia

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