Analytically Speaking, The Browns Are Tending Up

(Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images)

Head Coach Gregg Williams:

On if he tracks defensive stats, given some of the team’s rankings are down since last year: “We do keep track of all of those things, but we are in the top 10 in DVOA (defense-adjusted value over average), which is every situation known to man defensively. We have played the second-toughest offensive schedule in the National Football League. Not that I would be able to keep track of every number, but I have those numbers memorized.” 

On the defense-adjusted value over average statistic: “It is probably the most accurate defensively or any analytic statistic for offense, defense and special teams because it takes in everything – time on the clock, plays per yard, first down situations, second down situations, third down, red zone, two-minute, takeaways and it all booms into one. You will see that defensively, we have played the second-toughest schedule to date right now on the offenses that we have played and how well we have ranked up in there. We have to continue to fight, struggle and do what we can do.”

On how long he has been following DVOA metrics: “The last several of years. The last several of years is when those services and stuff have become pretty accurate and in the league maybe some of us coaches[the statistics] have gotten our respect on some of the things on how accurate that looks at a total defense as opposed to one particular area. The things you look in this area is we have already played more plays and there won’t be anybody that will catch up with us in plays this year. When you take a look at just total yardage or total plays and all of that kind of stuff, there have to be other factors to figure in.” 

On if DVOA takes into account variables like scheme and personnel: “Everything. They can do everything. If you want it that way, yeah. If that is how you want it, you could, yes.”

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