Poor people's campaign held on the east side

(Cleveland) - On this May Day, unions and community groups rallied with the residents of the Buckeye area.  

Activists say, workers in the east side community have seen their neighborhood decimated by not only divestment, but also by low wages. 

The rally was organized by Service Employees International Union Local 1, and Clevelanders for Public Transit.Activists contend much of Cleveland’s east side, has been turned into a food, transit and medical desert by the city’s investment in low wage jobs that do not pay enough to sustain a family or a community. 

They claim the city of Cleveland has the second highest poverty rate of any major American city, second only to Detroit. 

May day, also known as International Workers’ Day and is celebrated across the country and around the world, with rallies. It began after the Haymarket Affair of 1886 in which 200,000 workers went on strike for an eight hour day.

(Photos by Ken Robinson/WTAM)

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