You (or your Kid) Decide You Want To Get An MBA - Gregg Stebben

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You (or your kid) decide you want to get an MBA. 

Should you go to:

* Harvard?

* Stanford??

* University of Cincinnati???

Let's discuss: 

1. When choosing a school, what are the most important criteria to consider?

   * Prestige

   * Networking

   * Quality of education

2. A recent study showed that in terms of business success after graduation, one of these schools is the undisputed champion. 

Which school is it?

(Hint: It's not Harvard or Stanford)

3. Wait. What?

University of Cincinnati?

Is that really going to impress people on my resume?

4. What are the most important lessons I (or my kid) should learn from this study?

5. If I am a manager or employer...

...what are the most important lessons for me to learn from this study?

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