Race for The Place "Parade of Cars"

Gathering Place

Since we can't all come together at Beachwood Place we wanted to do something to recognize Race for the Place and National Cancer Survivors Day. In addition to our Facebook Live virtual celebration on Sunday, June 7, the City of Beachwood is allowing us to have a parade of cars. The parade will leave from Beachwood Place at 8:30am on Sunday, June 7 and make its way down Richmond Road to Chagrin and onto Mercantile to Commerce Park and on past The Gathering Place.

Haven't you always wanted to be in a parade? Well, we would love for you to join us. We do have a limit on the number of cars. We are asking each team if you would like to have one car to represent your team. Each car is asked to register and create signage that calls out your team and Race for the Place. We need to let the City of Beachwood know the cars that will be in the parade; if you plan to participate we need you to click here and complete the registration to be counted in. 

Once we reach the limit of 200 cars, we will no longer be able to accept registrations so register early. Final details will be sent to everyone prior to the parade. Everyone who isn't driving in the parade can line the sidewalks on Richmond Road - practicing six feet or more of physical distancing for everyone's safety- to cheer on the parade. After all, what's a parade without spectators (who are practicing safe distancing)?

Thank you so much for your support of Race for the Place and The Gathering Place. What a wonderful and caring community you are!!!

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